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Acne, FaceDoctor’s Medicated Soap, General Health, Health Tips, Skin Treatments, Treatments

Yes, there is an all-natural alternative to treating acne

The secret for radiant, acne-free skin is a powerful cleanser and a good anti-bacterial skin care product (or a combination of different ones, depending on how serious your case is). Now, most people reading...

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Acne Treatment, Facedoctor Blog, FaceDoctor’s Medicated Soap, Health Tips, Skin Care, Skin Treatments, Treatments

How popping zits was making my acne worse (and what I did to fix it)

I’m sure anyone suffering from acne has been there before. You have that large zit you just want to pop, thinking it would make it disappear faster, so you get to it. Then, when...

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FaceDoctor’s Medicated Soap, Health Tips, Rosacea Treatments, Sea Buckthorn Oil, Skin Care

As a professional photographer, this is how I deal with rosacea

I won’t say that being a professional photographer is one of the most stressful jobs in the world, but sometimes it gets pretty close. At the beginning of my career, I did a lot...

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