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Health Tips, Natural Acne Remedy, Natural Skin Care Treatments, Skin Care Tips for Men, Skin Treatments, View All

Skincare Tips for Men

A proper skincare routine isn’t just for women. Men can follow this simple routine to maintain a healthy complexion.   Wash It’s time to trade in your all-in-one soap for a dedicated facial cleanser. Your face has...

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Acne, Anti-Inflammatory Impact, FaceDoctor’s Medicated Soap, Natural Acne Remedy, Natural Skin Care Treatments, Skin Allergy, Skin Care, Skin Treatments, Treatments, View All

The Benefits of Water in Skin Care Products

Skincare product consumers expect to get a highly-concentrated product that delivers the best value possible. In many cases, skincare products contain water not as a filler but as a necessary component of the product. Although...

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Eczema Care

The best way to handle eczema is not with more creams

I grew up with eczema so it’s hard to list all the different creams and lotions I used over the years. Some worked but were too expensive to maintain. Others were cheap but had...

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Skin Care

Would you wash a silk shirt with tar?

I’ve worked in the beauty industry for almost ten years now and I’ve heard all sorts of excuses not to take better care of your skin. The most common is having no time, taking...

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Psoriasis, Sea Buckthorn Oil

I don’t have a choice but to be slightly obsessed with my skin

People with a healthy skin have no idea what someone suffering from psoriasis has to go through growing up. It takes years of trial and error to find out exactly what is good for...

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Sea Buckthorn Oil, Skin Care

It’s not every day a woman in her late 40s hears “you’re glowing”

In my 20s everyone complimented me on my looks. In my 30s they started focusing on my career achievements over my looks (although I think I still looked fresh). In my 40s it’s been...

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Rosacea Treatments, Sea Buckthorn Oil

Why I don’t believe in ugly skin

I despise any commercial ads that promise their product will help you get rid of your ugly skin. There is no such thing as ugly skin, and I loathe the poor self-image these companies...

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Skin Care, Skin Treatments

How I got rid of skin redness with soap

If you have extra sensitive skin, the first thing people tell you is to never use soap. Well, I beg to differ. Those people telling you not to use soap are wrong. What they...

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