Tips for Managing a Cold Sore
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Tips for Managing a Cold Sores

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus, which has no cure. This means that cold sores can flare up occasionally throughout your life. Since they can cause itching and burning, they are...

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Acne Soap, Eczema Care, Natural Acne Remedy, Natural Skin Care Treatments, Psoriasis, Rosacea, Skin Allergy, Skin Care, Treatments

Some skin diseases that wreck your life

Everyone wants to look beautiful. Skin is the basic thing that adds shine to our beauty. But often our skin is easily attracted to dust and pollutants in the environment, which makes it a...

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Facedoctor Blog, General Health, Health Tips, Natural Acne Remedy, Natural Skin Care Treatments, Skin Allergy, Skin Care, Treatments

Make your hair velvety soft using conditioners

One of the vital products in hair care is conditioner. It is necessary to condition your hair after shampooing. Though shampoo removes the dirt and oil from the scalp, it makes hair dry and...

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General Health, Natural Skin Care Treatments, Rosacea, Skin Care, Treatments

ROSACEA -Symptoms & Treatments

Rosacea is a chronic skin disease that mainly affects the facial skin especially the nose. It is commonly seen in women but it is more severe in men. It is commonly seen in people...

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