I was never a morning person and I always stay in bed for as long as I can, usually getting up with little time to spare in beauty routines. That’s not bad when in...
Have you ever felt like you were spending money on a lot of skin care products but the results were less than stellar? Then a new line would come out and you’d switch to...
As someone with sensitive skin, I was always more aware of using sunscreen than everyone else around me. Using sunscreen wasn’t something I couldn’t skip and it still isn’t. But I always felt like...
I’ve worked in the beauty industry for almost ten years now and I’ve heard all sorts of excuses not to take better care of your skin. The most common is having no time, taking...
For a long time, people suffering from rosacea didn’t have many options to handle this skin condition. Most of the treatments were based on fighting inflammation instead of fixing the cause. The cortisone-based skin...
People with a healthy skin have no idea what someone suffering from psoriasis has to go through growing up. It takes years of trial and error to find out exactly what is good for...
In my 20s everyone complimented me on my looks. In my 30s they started focusing on my career achievements over my looks (although I think I still looked fresh). In my 40s it’s been...
I despise any commercial ads that promise their product will help you get rid of your ugly skin. There is no such thing as ugly skin, and I loathe the poor self-image these companies...
I can always see it from the corner of my eye. The minute I walk into any room full of women, they look jealously at my flawless skin. It doesn’t take too long before...
No one loves the summer as much as I do, and this has been true since I can remember. But a couple of years ago, the strangest thing happened after the week on the...