The typical image of a surfer is someone who has a golden tan all year long and looks, overall, healthy and chill. No one thinks of rosacea when they think of a surfer. Well,...
Whether you’ve had acne your whole life or just went through it in puberty, I’m sure we have this mistake in common: scrubbing your face as hard as you could to get rid of...
Understanding the root cause of acne is crucial to understand what skin care products you should be using. And no, it’s not the best-known brand in the market or the most expensive one. It...
As an ER doctor who suffers from eczema, I can honestly tell you it’s been hard to control the stress-related triggers of the skin condition. I certainly should be stressed about my job, especially...
We live in a consumerist society and we were raised to believe that if you want high-quality products, you must pay a high price. For someone growing up with psoriasis, a chronic skin condition...
I’m sure you’ve been through this when the first wrinkles started to show. Someone pointed the thin lines around your eyes and mouth and, although you hadn’t noticed them before, they seemed to get...
If you have sensitive skin like me, you know how hard it is to find the right product for rashes. One that actually works on your rashes, because your skin is so sensitive that...
No matter what people say, yes looks aren't everything, but struggling with a chronic skin condition can turn you into a hermit pretty soon.
I had suffered from adult acne for 13 years until I...
When my son hit puberty, acne was a huge problem. I almost feel like it happened overnight. One day his skin was smooth and the next day, the pimples had taken over. He was...
I never had much faith in the lotions I used for my eczema. They all felt and smelled like the same thing, only with a different name. and all of them, without exception, only...