I won’t say that being a professional photographer is one of the most stressful jobs in the world, but sometimes it gets pretty close. At the beginning of my career, I did a lot...
I was never a morning person and I always stay in bed for as long as I can, usually getting up with little time to spare in beauty routines. That’s not bad when in...
I hate trying new things, so when my dermatologist told me I had to change my hair conditioner I was very nervous. Well, it’s not like she demanded me to do so, but she...
I’m not thin but I have a healthy weight, and Lord knows I could cut down on that monthly dose of chocolate fudge ice cream, and still, the other women at the gym would...
If you had told me three months ago that my hair would grow back stronger, I would not have believed you. It took me about one month to realize the true cause of my...
I know that at the first sign of pimples, you want to use the most effective cleanser to get rid of them immediately. You’ve heard it a million times, that in order to control...
Have you ever felt like you were spending money on a lot of skin care products but the results were less than stellar? Then a new line would come out and you’d switch to...
I think I was 14 when I bought my first expensive face moisturizing cream. Looking back, I think why on earth a teenager would need a moisturizing cream and why would someone sell it...
I went through High School without one single manifestation of acne. Well, besides an occasional pimple here and there on that time of the month. I was told by many I had flawless-looking skin...
I didn’t know what scalp folliculitis was until my hairdresser noticed the little red bumps on my scalp. My scalp had been particularly itchy in the last months but I assumed it was because...