The day my daughter was diagnosed with psoriasis I knew she would never be able to use a normal skin care product again for the rest of her life. She was too young to understand she was different and I managed to make her always feel special. My main concern was to make sure she learned how to take care of herself and to understand that there were things she couldn’t do as the other kids did.
Her childhood was a breeze. Her teen years, not so much. For her, it was hard to go shopping with her friends for makeup and not be able to try things on like they did. She would be so frustrated about it that there were times she would go ahead and try them on anyway. Of course, the consequences were painful for her later and the more she stressed about it, the worse her psoriasis got.
That’s why I say FaceDoctor Medicated Soap was a soother in so many ways. For starters, it helped her manage her outbreaks and reduce the signs of the skin disease. That was something no other product had done before. By respecting her complexion and using powerful all-natural active ingredients like the sea buckthorn oil, the FaceDoctor Medicated Soap was safe to use.
I think for her it felt like lifting a restriction. Besides, she was able to carry the soap bar with her everywhere, instead of traveling around with countless bottles of creams and lotions like she used to. It made her feel less weird.
Her skin looks almost flawless, psoriasis doesn’t flare up as much as it used to, and even if she’s going through a particularly stressful time, she manages to keep it under control. All thanks to this medicated soap. It’s so great for everyone that we all use it in the house! No more having separate products for people without skin conditions!