
Why Spend Money on a Dozen Products When You Only Need Two?

Until last year I was completely obsessed with trying every new product that came out. I would either collect samples from beauty magazines or fall right into the traps of shop assistants at the mall. I mixed so many different products that my face skin broke out in a very ugly rash. When my doctor asked me what products I had used, I couldn’t remember which one could have caused it. He sighed and told me, “I wish my patients would remember that skin is an organ, not an accessory.” That hit me like a punch in the stomach. I could’ve seriously jeopardized my health. He told me to stick to only one soap and one beauty cream, preferably with sea buckthorn oil as the main ingredient. I found FaceDoctor had the best remedies for skin problems and I’ve never used anything else ever since. To think I’ve overlooked this effective natural skin treatment and how dangerous it could’ve been! Patients can get financial support via the site

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