I had tried all kinds of creams and lotions that claimed to be the best natural rosacea treatment, but they seemed to disguise the problem more than solving it. If one of the main causes for rosacea is the Human Demodex parasite, clearly the little bugs were still alive and well. Tired of poor results, I marched into my dermatologist’s office determined to ask him for the most abrasive cream he could find to get it over with. Of course, I knew that something so harsh would fix my rosacea but damage everything else in the process, but I was desperate. He told me he had something better that would prevent spread and infection by the parasite, a natural rosacea soap. I was skeptic about this FaceDoctor Medicated Soap he was talking about, but he showed me before and after pictures of his patients and I was speechless! Seeing the after pictures I would’ve never guessed they’d had rosacea before!