Skin Care

Dermatologist recommended skin care products do they exist?

When looking for skin care products in order to keep the skin in optimal condition, or in order to treat a skin condition it is only natural that people are looking for the best of the best in order to get the most favorable results possible. It isn’t strange that one of the most asked questions is “what are the skin care products dermatologists recommend?”

However, there is no real answer to the above question because the truth is that dermatologists simply do not recommend products as a rule. Endorsing any one skin care product might imply the dermatologist in question is biased and that opens up a can of worms that can lead to all kinds of problems.

Therefore, instead of recommending skin care products, dermatologists rather recommend ingredients that should be in them in order for the product to be effective. Depending on the type of product and its use the recommended ingredients may vary.

To illustrate: For skin care products for treating acne, dermatologists recommend ingredients, like: Sulfur, Benzoyl Peroxide,  Salicylic Acid and Tea Tree oil because those ingredients have been proven to be highly effective for treating acne for several years.

Needless to say that for other uses dermatologists may recommend a whole other set of ingredients. However, that does not mean that ingredients not recommended by dermatologists are not effective. In many cases there are reports from treating certain skin conditions with ingredients one would normally not even think off. Think for example about the many recipes for all natural facial masks in order to treat acne. Most of them never get mentioned by dermatologists; however there are thousands of people reporting amazing results using them.

For a dermatologist to recommend an ingredient it has to be tried and tested, clinically and in the field and only once a conclusion has scientifically proven that the ingredient in question works it will be considered. Therefore an ingredient not recommend by dermatologists may simply be too new and in a few years will be among the recommended products.

Therefore in order to find the best possible skin care product for the job it is best to also look closely at the many user reviews available on the Internet. Real life experiences from people using the product are often just as good as the recommendation of any dermatologist out there.

So the question no longer should be “what are the skin care products dermatologists recommend?”, but “what skin care product is achieving the best results according to the people that use it?” After all that question is just as viable and the answer even more useful than any recommendation you may or may not get from a dermatologist.

In fact it may be more interesting to find out what ingredients dermatologists definitely will not recommend, so you will know what products to avoid when looking for the best possible skin care product for your particular situation. Chances are you will have much better results because of it.

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