I thought my acne would disappear as soon as I grew out of puberty but I was wrong. In fact, I think it got worse with time. I tried a lot of tricks like...
Guys don’t really spend time talking about their acne problems until they decide to grow a beard. It’s hard to grow and maintain a beard if you have acne at the same time, but...
I’m a bit of a germaphobe so I remember always being slightly obsessed with hygiene. When I had my first pimples, I thought all I needed was harsher products to help me keep the...
I don’t know if you can call me an entrepreneur but at 16 I had my own babysitting business. It was like running my own agency except the babysitters were all girls in my...
I’m sure it didn’t happen this way, but all I remember is waking up one day to a face full of tiny pimples on my chin and around my nose. At first, I thought...
The biggest mistake people make about teen acne treatment is assuming that acne is not really a skin condition. They see it as something normal that comes with the territory when kids are going...
I had acne as a teenager and I continued having acne as an adult. Comparing CBD vs Copaiba Oil: What You Need to Know. Except that as a grown up, all my acne breakouts...
The day I managed to finally get my hands on a discount coupon for a professional photography session what happened? A gigantic pimple showed up right in the middle of my nose. I never...
I’ve always had issues with acne, ever since I was a kid. A few years back I found a cure — a microdermabrasion treatment. Once a month or so I would go to my...
I am one of the most consistent and dedicated people I know when it comes to washing my face. No matter how tired I am, I wash it every day to try to keep...